Bob's Burgers is a show I got into. I had to force myself to watch it because I can't even make myself watch really good shows like Breaking bad. I like that there's not in the way of gross-out humor unlike some cartoons (Really obnoxious cough that sounds exactly like the show I'm ripping on, "Family Guy", followed by another really obnoxious cough, just in case whoever I'm standing next to didn't get the message). I think out of all the characters, I can relate to Tina the most for the exact reasons you're thinking of. I also may have done at least half of the stupid things she's done in an attempt to fit in.
I'm mega paranoid of my parents returning home. I'm not sure why, maybe it stems from my strong desire not to do things other than writing whatever comes to mind. That said, I should probably consider getting my own apartment, so I can come home to an empty house that stays empty for a prolonged stretch of time. It's my job's fault that I want a twenty-four hour people free cycle. I have to be nice to humanity en mass all week. I can barely handle that shit for a day.
My friend is working for a company called sonic as seen below,
So I decided to make my own original company!
I drew that. I'm so good at drawing intentionally shitty things that other people have drawn, I could publish a shitty things art book, and people would hand me out crazy awards for it! In fact, they'd make up a new award called the Blonic award for the shiterary excellence.
Do you see this thing? That's a bear! You're welcome! That reminds me, I haven't drawn anything bear related in a while. How did I even draw this one? Maybe it was conjured up in my sleep. What a mystery!
While we're off topic, I hate college applications. I hate online applications in general so much, that I want to put a USB cord in my butt so I can shit all over these online applications.
It just occurred to me that I might actually suck at this whole blogging thing. I think that's just my brain being an ass again. He's kind of a jerk, but I need him to operate important organs such as my heart and taste buds. I don't really have a good analogy for his function and apparent lack of courtesy. I'm just typing a bunch of crap without cause or actual inspiration. It's kind of fun though. It's funner than a gorilla with an eating disorder, vomiting neutron star plasma all over your plasma screen TV, forming a plasma within a plasma next to a gorilla. It's plasception. Ignore that last part. I'm sure Inception jokes long ago ran their course.
Come to think of it, I never found Inception jokes funny to begin with. I never really saw the movie, but I watched the episode of South Park where they were doing that weird Inception molestation thing (hey, that almost rhymes!), deciding that after watching that, I knew everything there was to know about Inception. I was an Inception master with a major in deception ever since my conception, where I gave a confession that it was my profession, and I got good reception, which gave me a sensation that I could commit to mental retention- that I was a master of interpretations of nations.
I don't think that last part made sense, but I was running out of "tions"
Oh my God, I could've fit procrastination in there. I just realized that's exactly what I'm doing, posting random thoughts, that won't see the light of day, but certainly the light of my monitor. I'm thinking that in the time it took me to complain about fixing a mistake, I could amend these faults to make a streamlined segment of words that go together. I won't. Instead, here's a delightful picture of butts I took pictures of in the art museum. Behold these butts as the shit hour is up.
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